Until now, it was nearly impossible for smaller businesses to afford the kind of professional advice used by larger companies.
Now, PocketExperts.Solutions has made it possible for you to have virtual access to a world-class roster of business experts, across dozens of specialties.
These experts can provide you and your team with the knowledge and actionable advice you need to grow, protect and manage your business and personal assets.
Through our innovative platform that combines the world’s largest business video library, live and interactive virtual events and person to-person interaction, you can access the exact kind of professional guidance you need, anytime you need it. Best of all, membership is free.
Try It At No CostMembership Is Free!
By becoming a member of PocketExpert.Solutions, you’ll take a big step toward business success —and it won’t cost you anything! Our members get:
- Access to our team of experts
- Access to thousands of hours of video content
by our experts at a cost of $99 per video (onethird the cost of an average hourly rate), providing you and your team with three times the information for dollars spent (At 10 videos viewed – a value of nearly $2,000)
- 12 free videos to view with the monthly webinar lesson of the month (a value of nearly $1,200)
- 12 free “Meet the Experts” events (monthly), where our experts respond to member questions (a value of nearly $1,200)
- Access to training for you and your staff through periodically scheduled Live Events